June 14, 2024

What Are the Most Used Email Service Providers?

The most used email service providers globally are:

  1. Gmail: Google's email service is widely popular for its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and seamless integration with other Google services. (43%-45%)
  2. Outlook (formerly Hotmail): Microsoft's email service is popular both for personal and professional use, integrating well with Microsoft Office and other Microsoft services. (27%-29%)
  3. Yahoo Mail: Once one of the leading email services, Yahoo Mail remains popular due to its generous storage space and features. (6%-7%)
  4. Apple Mail (iCloud Mail): Apple's email service is commonly used by users of Apple devices, integrating well with the Apple ecosystem. (4%-5%)
  5. ProtonMail: Known for its strong emphasis on security and privacy, ProtonMail is popular among users who prioritize encrypted email communications.
  6. AOL Mail: Although not as dominant as it once was, AOL Mail still has a significant user base, especially among older demographics.
  7. Zoho Mail: Often chosen by businesses for its suite of productivity tools and affordability, Zoho Mail is a growing competitor in the email service market.
  8. Yandex.Mail: This service is particularly popular in Russia and surrounding regions, offering a range of features comparable to those of its global counterparts.

Proton, AOL, Zoho and Yandex all make up the remaining 14%-20% of email providers usage.

These providers are chosen based on their features, security, storage options, and integration with other services and devices.

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