The Handpicked Universe or ‘Pick List’ tool in L2 DataMapping allows users to quickly select individual voters or consumers by zooming down to their household in the DataMapping interface map and add those individuals to a ‘pick list’. That list can be purchased and exported or those individuals can be included or excluded with another universe, ensuring coverage or exclusion of key voters or consumers.
1. Click on “Select Handpicked Universe for Editing” – this will open the Handpicked Universe section of DataMapping:

2. Click “Create a New Handpicked Universe” and Name that Handpicked Universe

3. It’ll take several seconds but the ‘Pick List’ Universe will be created and you’ll be able to click back into the “Handpicked Universes” section of DataMapping and click on “Pick” to start adding individuals to your Universe.

4. On the map screen zoom down to a specific household, click on the dot above that household and then click on your pick list name, in this case “ADD to GA1” . (Note: the name/full address information is blacked out for privacy purposes)

5. Once you’ve finished selection individual(s) for your pick list you can then see all of those selected by going back to “Handpicked Universes” and click on “View” and you can see the list of those individuals you ‘picked’. You can then proceed to download that pick list universe like any other universe in DataMapping. (Note: the name/full address information is blacked out for privacy purposes)

In addition to working with your pick list directly you can include or exclude those ‘picked’ individuals from the export of another universe. Here’s how….
- Create the Universe from which you would like to include or exclude your pick list voters.
- Purchase those data as needed.
- Go through the prompts to download a universe you will now get to a page that asks if you would like “Include” or “Exclude” a pick list universe. This will allow you to include or exclude those pick list individuals and they will be removed from your final export.

If you have questions or additional training this or any L2 function check out training center or contact